At Zen Wellness, we believe in transparency and value when it comes to your wellness journey. Our pricing is thoughtfully designed to reflect the quality and expertise of our services, ensuring that you receive exceptional care and results. Explore our pricing options to find the perfect fit for your self-care needs.
Massage Services
60 mins $115 / 75 mins $135 / 90 mins $165
House call:
60 mins $125 / 75 mins $150 / 90 mins $175
Chair massage:​
60 mins $100*
Pricing above includes Deep Tissue, Swedish, Fusion, Chakra, and Prenatal techniques
Acupuncture Services
New Patient:
120 mins $200 in-office / $225 house call
Returning Patient In-office:
60 mins $115 / 75 mins $135 / 90 mins $165
Return Patient House call:
60 mins $125 / 75 mins $150 / 90 mins $175
Facial Services
Ancient Raw Herbal Facial:
90 mins $215
Beauty Lift & Flow Facial:
60 mins $160
Express Facial:
30 mins $85
Celluma LED Therapy
Standalone session:
60 mins $65
Add-on to treatment:
30 mins $45 ​
Reiki Energy Work
15 mins $40 / 30 mins $65 / 60 mins $110
Standalone session:
30 mins $75
Add-on to treatment:
15 mins $35 / 30 mins $60​
Massage & Facial Package
60 mins $135 / 90 mins $175
House call:
60 mins $150 / 90 mins $190
Treatment Add-Ons
​THC Oil Add-On:
CBD Oil Add-On:
Aromatherapy Add-On:​
Questions?​​ Reach out to Zen Wellness!​
(619) 800-1418